If you work with clients who mention they’re losing their grip strength, have been told they are experiencing that dreaded ‘tennis’ or ‘golfer’ elbow or have trouble lifting heavy objects because of wrist or elbow problems, this series of Two Anatomy Geeks™ was created for you.

To sign up for this 3-part series, click the link below to get started. We are confident you will discover strategies to help your current clients while enhancing your confidence in working with older clients with elbow, wrist and hand issues.

This series has been pre-recorded. 


Elbow, Wrist & Hand Anatomy

 This webinar series provides a detailed anatomical review of the muscles and bony landmarks associated with the elbow, wrist and hand

Using creative visuals, the functional anatomy, biomechanics and motor control of the muscles of the elbows, wrist and hand are explained. This unique approach also provides real-world strategies for addressing the most common causes of chronic tightness, discomfort, and compensated movement patterns associated with the suboptimal function of the elbow, wrist and hand complex.

Upon completion of this 3-part interactive, webinar series, you will be able to:

  • Confidently identify the origin, insertion, and action of the primary muscles of the elbow, wrist and hand and how these muscles impact posture and movement.
  • Discover how the Integrative Movement SystemTM can be utilized to create both short and long-term improvements in shoulder posture and range of motion using simple, yet effective corrective exercises
  • Apply safe stretching and strengthening strategies to help your clients successfully accomplish their health and fitness goals.

Whether you are working virtually or in person, this series will deliver both practical information as well as corrective exercise strategies, so you feel confident in:

  • understanding the major muscles that flex, extend and rotate the elbow, flex and extend the wrist and open and close the hand;
  • addressing whether or not you should stretch or strengthen the muscles of the elbow, wrist and hand so you’re using a guided thought process rather than a guessing approach;
  • designing a safe and effective stabilization and strengthening approach so you can confidently improve your client’s elbow, wrist and hand function and help them get back to the activities they enjoy.

The Series Includes:

Anatomy Prep

Spend 30+ minutes reviewing the bony landmarks of the knee and the directional terms and spatial planes used in anatomy discussion. 

Episode 1:
Rotators of the Elbow - Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis

  • Review of bony anatomy of the upper and lower arm.
  • Explanation and illustrations of the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle and live demonstration of muscle attachments and actions on George, the skeleton.
  • Actions of these muscles related to the humerus, ulna, radius, and elbow.
  • Discussion of golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, Tendonitis and Tendinosis, the Brachial Plexus, and radial nerve.
  • Introduction to the Integrative Movement System
  • Assessments for posture, scapular alignment, shoulder/elbow alignment, and shoulder alignment.
  • Safe and mindful myofascial release. 
  • Cuing for head and shoulder position during exercises.
  • Corrective Exercises and Progressions: Alignment in Functional Patterns (Biceps Curls, Rows).
  • Conclusion, Recap, and Q&A

Episode 2:
Muscles of Pronation and Supination - Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus, and Supinator

  • Explanation and illustrations of the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle and live demonstration of muscle attachments and actions on George, the skeleton.
  • Actions of these muscles related to pronation and supination.
  • Introduction to the Integrative Movement System
  • Assessments for pronation and supination.
  • Safe and mindful myofascial release of Pronator Teres and Quadratus. 
  • Activate with isometric exercises and then check ROM; Progressions: Elbow Curl Variations, Planks, Push-ups.
  • Conclusion, Recap, and Q&A

Episode 3:
Muscles of the Wrist & Hand - Pollicis Muscles, Extensors and Abductors, Digiti Minimi

  • Explanation and illustrations of the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle and live demonstration of muscle attachments and actions on George, the skeleton.
  • Discussion of causes of common wrist and had issues.
  • Introduction to the Integrative Movement System
  • Assessments for finger opposition, extension, and abduction.
  • Safe and mindful myofascial release of opponens, adductors, and flexors. 
  • Activate with isometric exercises and then progress to active supination and radial deviation, opposition training, and finger abduction.
  • Conclusion, Recap, and Q&A

If youโ€™re ready to have fun learning anatomy and, more importantly, be able to apply it to your most challenging clients to improve how they move, how they feel, and how they perform, then click on the link below.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are unhappy with the program and feel it truly does not serve you or your clients in any way just email us at [email protected]  within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund your payment in full.  We will likely ask for feedback.  Creating the products to best serve our customers is our top priority.


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