The Anatomy of the Spine program was created for the health and fitness professionals just like you who have been looking for a practical and fun resource for learning the functional anatomy of the spinal muscles.

More importantly, you will be able to incorporate each practical lesson directly into your client’s training programs to improve posture, movement, and performance.


Anatomy of the Spine & Common Spinal Conditions

In this 3-module program, you will be introduced to the anatomy of the spine and common spinal conditions. In this series, you’ll discover:

  • Spinal anatomy and how optimal stability of the low back, spine, and neck is developed;
  • How posture contributes to common disc and joint issues of the low back and neck;
  • How to best assess the spine and choose the most appropriate corrective exercises to improve posture, stability, and movement.

This 3-module webinar series provides a detailed anatomical review of the muscles, bones, and nerves of the trunk, spine, and neck. Using creative visuals, the anatomy, biomechanics, and control of the spinal muscles are brought to life. What makes this program unique, is that you’ll be able to immediately apply the information you are learning.

After participating in this series, you’ll be able to confidently guide your clients through:

  • Assessments to determine the impact posture, muscle and nerve function;
  • The most appropriate corrective exercises including myofascial release and neuromuscular activation strategies to develop optimal spinal stability;
  • Functional training to incorporate spinal health and posture into the fundamental movement patterns required for occupation, recreation, and life.

This Series Includes:

Anatomy Prep Videos

Spend 20 minutes reviewing the directional terms and spatial planes used in the anatomy discussion. 

Episode 1:
Psoas, Multifidi, Intervertebral Disc

  • Why focus on the Spine? Statistics on quantity and cost of spinal injuries/conditions.
  • Review of various spine myths
  • Spinal curves - development from infancy, types, what changes these curves.
  • Explanation and illustrations of the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle and live demonstration of muscle attachments and actions on George, the skeleton.
  • Actions of these muscles
  • Common signs of suboptimal spinal alignment
  • Introduction to the Integrative Movement System
  • Assessments for posture and range of motion.
  • Safe and mindful self-myofascial release. 
  • Corrective Exercises: Rehab exercise (McKenzie Extension), prone lengthening, hip hinge
  • Role of functional exercise in helping and hurting spinal health
  • Keys to lumbar spinal health
  • Conclusion, Recap, and Q&A

Episode 2:
Longus Capitis, Longus Colli, Suboccipitals, Mulitifidi Rotatores, Levator Scapula

  • Neck Positions - optimal, forward head, Dowagers Hump
  • Myofascial system of the Spine
  • Explanation and illustrations of the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle and live demonstration of muscle attachments and actions on George, the skeleton.
  • Actions of these muscles related the inspiration and experation processes
  • Common signals of suboptimal spinal alignment
  • Introduction to the Integrative Movement System
  • Assessments for posture and range of motion
  • Safe and mindful self-myofascial release. 
  • Corrective Exercises: Rehab Exercise - Neck Retraction, motor control training of DNE, Cranio-Cervical Flexion, prone lengthening (with eye movement.
  • Progressions: Modified Down Dog, 
  • Conclusion, Recap, and Q&A

Episode 3:
Spinus Process, Lamina, Superior and Inferior Articular Process

  • Training clients after spinal surgery
  • Spinal stenosis, spine surgery, and failed spine surgery syndrome
  • Explanation and illustrations of the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle and live demonstration of muscle attachments and actions on George, the skeleton.
  • Discussion of spinal compression and options to decompress the spine.
  • Introduction to the Integrative Movement System
  • Assess Spine Motion and Impact on Shoulder and Hips: lateral neck flexion, lateral spine flexion, forward bend, shoulder flexion.
  • Safe and mindful self-myofascial release. 
  • Corrective Exercises: DNF, supported hip hinge, pull apart to hip hinge.
  • Conclusion, Recap, and Q&A

If youโ€™re ready to have fun learning anatomy and, more importantly, be able to apply it to your most challenging clients to improve how they move, how they feel, and how they perform, then click on the link below.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are unhappy with the program and feel it truly does not serve you or your clients in any way just email us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund your payment in full.  We will likely ask for feedback.  Creating the products to best serve our customers is our top priority.


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