What can you do, as the Fit Pro, as it relates to perimenopause?

 Because hormone fluctuations can impact how well a woman executes an exercise pattern, there might be days/weeks when she struggles with her program. 

This might mean:

  • You need to manage her expectations 
  • Meet her wants with what she actually needs

It’ll be especially important at this time to monitor her form as well as decrease the number of reps and the amount of load. 

We have all experienced at least a client or two who does NOT like putting on the breaks. 

However, we can pave a smoother path.  It simply means doing a “Recovery Day/Week.”  Assure her that you’re still working toward her goal and that this week appears to be a week that her body is needing a bit of recovery.  Perhaps it can be phrased, “In an effort to help you maintain a successful workout, we’re going to modify your program in a manner that allows you to perform exercises that still move you toward your goal but won’t...

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Challenges when working with a client who is going through perimenopause/menopause

As the Fit Pro, do you experience any of these challenges when working with a client who is going through perimenopause/menopause?

  • My client has engrained exercise beliefs & abides by them, yet they are no longer appropriate for her physical health.
  • She’s exhausted but still wants to do her high-intensity workout.
  • You’re following appropriate strategies to help with her weight loss goal, but she’s still not losing weight.
  • She’s used to exercising 2 hours a day, every day, but she can no longer successfully maintain this volume.

These could be signs that your client is experiencing perimenopause or menopause.  Stay tuned for the next issue to discover a tip you can use to help with these scenarios.


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Best Corrective Exercises for Hip Mobility


Teach your clients how to move through their hips more efficiently.

Dr. Osar shows you can use push and pull patterns to help with hip mobility.


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The Integrative Movement System's Approach to Shoulder Stability


Dr. Osar discusses several vital exercises you must perform with your clients to improve shoulder stability and strength, especially with clients who have had surgery of any kind.

Use objective assessments so that you and your client can measure the difference when using corrective strategies.

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What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause?

In the previous installment of Sara’s Segment, I discussed that you, the Fit Pro, need to be aware of signs and symptoms of a woman experiencing perimenopause.

Have you observed or has your client shared with you these challenges she experiences?

  • Difficulty doing her usual exercise program due to inability to keep her form or keep control of the exercises
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hot flashes
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood changes (increased mood swings, depression, mania, hysteria)
  • Vaginal and bladder issues (infections, incontinence, etc.)
  • Painful sex

All warrant further investigation and a recommendation that your client reaches out to her healthcare provider.

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Best Corrective Exercise for Clients with Shoulder Pain & Tightness


Posture and cues during upper body exercises.

How some common cues are driving nonoptimal posture.

Better cues to promote optimal posture.

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Did you know perimenopause can start when a woman is in her mid to late thirties?

menoppause perimenopause Jul 05, 2024

 First of all, what is perimenopause? 

So we’re all on the same page: it is the period of time during which the female body starts to transition to menopause (the end of the reproductive years). This occurs partly because estrogen levels start to rise and fall unevenly. 

This typically lasts 4-8 years in most women & typically begins in her mid-forties, but it can last a decade or more if a woman starts the process in her mid-to-late thirties. 

Yes, according to Mayo Clinic, I said as early as her mid-thirties.

If your client is experiencing something different than her normal physical or even mental status, this could be a sign of hormonal changes. 

As a Fit Pro, watch for any change that your client can’t quite attribute to a specific cause or acute incident/diagnosis. These can also impact her posture and movement habits, making it difficult to progress toward her posture and movement goal. 

It’s time to refer her to her...

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Incorporating Your Eyes Into Balance & Posture Training


Balance Training - part 2

Training the Fundamental Movement Patterns the Integrative Movement System for posture, balance training, and walking.

👉🏾 Dr. Evan Osar - author of Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunctions - discusses an easy way to incorporate the eyes into balance and posture training.

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Balance Training to Reduce Fall Risk in Older Adults

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How To Train Spinal Rotation in Older Adults With Posture Correction


What is the best method for training spinal rotation in older adults with posture correction?

Pushing and pulling patterns for posture, for balance, for walking.

For information like this including assessment and corrective exercise, click here.

For consultation with Dr. Osar or a member of his team, click here.

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