The Importance of Posture & the Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor issues? Stress Urinary Incontinence? Posture can make a difference.

Dr. Evan Osar, author of Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunctions, discusses:
research about posture and the pelvic floor;
importance of sitting posture and activation of the pelvic floor;
exercise and the pelvic floor.

Brand new series of Two Anatomy Geeks™: Anatomy of Female Specific Conditions begins this Saturday, May 7th at 9am (CDT).
This brand new series will cover:
anatomy, assessment, and training of the pelvic floor
the impact of the menstrual cycle, surgery/scar tissue and training considerations
bone health, density, and osteoporosis. All sessions are recorded.
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