Best Corrective Exercises for Hip Mobility


Teach your clients how to move through their hips more efficiently.

Dr. Osar shows you can use push and pull patterns to help with hip mobility.


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Fundamental Movement Patterns: Fix Your Lunges


Dr. Evan Osar discusses how to use the Integrative Movement System to improve lunges to create hip mobility and hip stability and how they can be a great glute exercise.

For more training information like this, visit the blog on our website.

To book an online or in-person consultation with Dr. Osar contact: [email protected].

Follow Dr. Osar and IMI on Instagram @discoverimi

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Anterior Rotation: Why you need it and why you must train it - Part I


Dr. Evan Osar - author of Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunctions - discusses training anterior rotation of the pelvis and why you must train it with your clients,

For more training information like this, visit the blog on our website. To book an online or in-person consultation with Dr. Osar contact: [email protected].

Follow Dr. Osar and the Integrative Movement Instiutute on Instagram @discoverimi

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Best Exercise to Improve Hip Rotation


Dr. Osar shares the best ways to improve hip rotation.

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Cause for Chronic Hip Tightness in Female Clients


Train female clients with tight hips?

It could be tight external hip rotators. Dr. Evan Osar, author of Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunctions, discusses a common reason why many female clients can develop chronic hip tightness. He’ll also shares any easy way to assess and address and progress your client in this week's Facebook Live. 

If you are training female clients who struggle with chronic hip tightness, stress urinary incontinence, and osteoporosis, check out the brand new series of Two Anatomy Geeks™: Training Female Specific Conditions

In this brand new series, you’ll discover: 

anatomy of the pelvic floor, abdominals, and more; 

how surgery impacts the core and pelvic floor; 

how to assess and use corrective exercise to address chronic tightness and improve muscle mass, mobility, and bone density in your female clients. 

This series begins on May 7th. 

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